The Medieval helmets that knights used to wear protected them from attack. You can now do the same with this super cool looking face mask.
- as of 08.19.24.
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2020/05/25 6:47 pm
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How would you rate the year 2020 given the pandemic and millions of life claimed by the deadly coronavirus? 1/5, right? Make your statement with 2020-themed t-shirts, totes, badges, masks and other accessories with the loud "2020 - Very Bad, Would not Recommend"
The Medieval helmets that knights used to wear protected them from attack. You can now do the same with this super cool looking face mask.
Stay safe during the COVID crisis with this small gadget that comes in a variety of colors. The No-Touch Hygiene tool is a multi-purpose utensil that serves as a keychain, as well as a tool to open car doors and press buttons and other surfaces where COVID-19 might be present.
Every whiskey drinker knows that adding ice, especially poor quality, can ruin the taste of a fine whiskey. So how can you enjoy your whiskey whilst keeping it chilled? These Whiskey Stones are a neat solution that will keep your drink cooled whilst not diluting it. They won’t scratch your glass either. Perfect.Gifts Under $25
Do you want to stay safe and help protect yourself and others from COVID-19, but you’re not on board with those boring, clinical face masks? This cute kitty face mask allows you to ensure the people around you get a little smile even if it’s hidden under their mask.
Coronavirus is deadly, but thankfully helping with prevention is simple. All you have to do is wash hands with this “Do Your Part Handsoap” Rich with buttermilk, cocoa butter, and olive and grape seed oil, the soap comes wrapped with a message from Rosie the Riveter – to help remind you to win the war against the deadly coronavirus. Grab your bar today and get into the mood of fighting the invisible virus.
Coronavirus has changed all of our lives. Small children may especially be confused. Reading “A Kids Book About Covid-19” can help your child make sense of the pandemic.